Manuals and Hard to Find Documents

This page provides links to manuals and hard to find documents and information which we thought we’d share in hopes of helping other folks have an easier time finding information that’s so obscure, esoteric, or just plain impossible to find on the web. Most especially, we think it’s ridiculous for people to charge $$$ on Ebay or other sites for copies of user manuals, etc. for equipment which is no longer supported by the manufacturer. Just “passing it forward” because we know what a relief it can be when someone else helps us out with hard-to-find documents and info as well. That said, here’s the list of what we have available here on the site, in alphabetical order by the manufacturer or source:


Andrew Corporation L7PNF Connector Installation Instructions
(N-Type Female, two-piece connector for 1-5/8″ Andrew Heliax LDF7-50A Coaxial Cable)

— G —

Glenayre QT-4500/QT-6500 Series Manuals and Documents
      * See “Quintron” section of this page and look for info with the same model numbers.

Glenayre RL-72 Link Receiver — Diagram of Most Commonly Used Rear-Panel Connections

— H —

Harris / Gates Medalist-12 Audio Console Manual

Harris / Gates Medalist-12 Audio Console Output Amplifier Schematic

Harris / Gates Medalist-12 Audio Console Output Amplifier Parts List

— I —

IFR FM/AM – 1600S Communications Service Monitor – Operations Manual v4.0

IFR FM/AM – 1600S Communications Service Monitor – Maintenance Manual

IFR TS-4317-2 Radio Test – Set Calibration Procedure (applies to FM/AM – 1600S)

— J —

JAYBEAM “Multibeam” 70cm MBM Series Antennas — Specification Sheet
     Includes specifications on the following antennas:
* MBM28/70cm
* MBM48/70cm
* MBM88/70cm


Midland ACC917 Software (zipped file) for the SD225U2 series data radios

Midland ACC919 Software (zipped file) for the SD250U2 series data radios

Motorola R-2001A Service Monitor User & Service Manual (PDF file)

— Q—

Quintron QT-4500/QT-6500 Series Transmitter User and Installation Manual
* Note 1: the QT-4201 is a QT-4501 except for the transmit frequency range,
so this manual is usable with the QT-4201 as well.
* Note 2: section 7 (the board diagrams) are missing from this PDF file. If you need
at least some board photos with annotations showing the locations of key test points,
adjustment points, etc., then refer to the next document in this list, which we prepared,
showing such for the boards in QT-4501 “Direct FM Modulation, 25-Watt” version.

Quintron QT-4501 Transmitter Board Layouts with Annotated Adjustment and Test Points
* 25-Watt, Direct FM Modulation version, with associated plug-in boards

— S—

Sencore LC75 LC-75 LC 75 Z Meter 2 a/k/a Z Meter II
Simplified Operating Instructions for one of the handiest pieces of bench test equipment we have in the lab. We spent days searching for any sort of documentation on the thing. We’re still looking for a copy of the full documentation (and hopefully the service manual as well) but in the meantime, here are the very helpful operating instructions for the unit.

— T —

Ten Tec Model 253 Automatic Antenna Coupler – Remote Molex Connector Pinout Information
The Operator’s Manual for the Ten Tec 253 Antenna Tuner does not include a diagram of the pin numbering for the Molex connector on the back of the unit, so we’ve taken time to create this helpful one page PDF document with that information.